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Break through old patterns

Release stucked emotions

Breath yourself free

Open your voice

Gain clarity & alignment

Cleanse your womb


Come on a deep transformative journey into your body. Through Conscious Connected Breathing (also known as holotropic breathing, rebirthing technique or transformational breath) you switch off your inner guardian that controls your everyday consciousness. In this way you open the door to deep-seated emotions and old patterns and beliefsystems in your subconscious, that prevent you from living your full potential.


It is possible to have experiences of rebirth, to receive soul purposes and life visions, to gain new perspectives and deep embodied insights into problem situations or to communicate with entities.


This journey is intentionally designed for women to find their feminine authentic force. So we will have a gentle womb-healing-opening. The sacred power of the ancient and beautiful rose will support this connection to the womb and to the the sacred feminine.


In a joint conversation in advance, I will support you in finding your personal intention for the journey.

You breathe for around 90 minutes and are supported by process-oriented dynamic and flowing music. I accompany your journey also with drumming, voice activation, energy work and essential oils.

After a long phase of deep relaxation, you have the opportunity to integrate your experience by using art therapy, conversation or embodiment exercises, depending on the process.


supported by the sacred power of the rose


2-3 hours journey
Sacred Valley slidings scale
1 session 111-222 soles
3 sessions 222-444 soles



You will be exactly instructed by me how you to breathe in the session. In general, Conscious Connected Breathing (also known as holotropic breathing, rebirthing technique or transformational breathing) is a circular breathing in which the pauses between inhalation and exhalation are omitted. You can feel for yourself whether you want to breathe with your mouth open or through your nose.



Yes there are! If you fall under the following criteria, then unfortunately these Medicine Breathwork Journey is not recommended for you at the moment

or only recommended after consultation with your doctor.

• Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, epilepsy

• Heart problems, strokes, heart attacks, aneurysms

• Extremes of high or low blood pressure (also glaucoma)

• (recent) surgery on abdominal organs

• pregnancy

• Drug or medication influence

• In general, a stable physical, psychological and emotional state is necessary


âž” If you are not sure whether you can take part in the breathing session, please contact me or your doctor

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